Ingredients to make pizza: flour, baking powder, smoked bacon, tomato sauce, pineapple, Fromazio cheese, Mazzarella cheese and a can of beer (yes, a can of beer)
This is canned tomato sauce. "Where can we buy it?" "We can buy it in the supermarket.
"What is this?"
It is smoked bacon.
Flour to make a dough. We will need 3 small bowls of flour and pour can of beer. Then, knead the mixture.
Now, we can start rolling to flatten the dough.
Kids are practising.
Still, they need some help from ESC's 'pro' chef, :)
Then, pour the tomato sauce on top of the dough
Slide the Mozzarella cheese to make the topping
and then smoked bacon
and slided pineapple
Spread some Fromazio cheese on top
And now, it's ready to be put in the stove
"Let me help you," said the little girl
Set the stove tempreature to 252 degree celcius to bake the pizza
here comes our pizza
Sliding the pizza
Yummy, yummy. We made it!
If you want tuna, or shrimps or sea foods, feel free to add them to you home-made pizza
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